5 Tips to Restructure Your Sales Incentive Plan

sales strategies

5 Tips to Restructure Your Sales Incentive Plan

As a business, your sales strategy can easily lead to success. Nearly two-thirds of small business owners expect their revenue to increase, according to data reported by NerdWallet. However, having a proper sales incentive plan is critical to ensuring success. This article will cover all the tips and tricks you need to know to upgrade your sales strategies.

1. Set Clear Goals

Before restructuring your incentive plan, you must set clear and measurable goals. You should be able to tell your sales team your goal for the quarter, such as increasing sales or expanding market reach. Many companies make increasing customer satisfaction a goal. Once you have established goals, you can develop a plan to reach those goals.

2. Build an Effective Plan

Most sales representatives know a few things about how to reach goals like increasing customer satisfaction. However, they may need help if their current tactics aren’t achieving the goals that have been set. Have a brainstorming session with company leaders and managers to devise a plan to help sales representatives succeed. This is critical to help motivate sales staff.

3. Offer Incentives

It’s essential to offer sales incentives to motivate sales staff. Consider what’s worked in the past and what hasn’t. Ask your sales team what incentives they’d like to see. For example, some people might want to see you offer extra PTO hours or new company merchandise. An online survey is a great way to encourage people to give honest opinions because they can remain anonymous.

4. Mix It Up

Don’t offer the same incentive for everything. Instead, keep things interesting. Offer an extra vacation day for one goal and a gift basket of company merchandise for another goal. Incentives should be different for long and short-term goals to motivate staff and ensure the reward matches the goal. A professional company specializing in sales strategies can help you develop ideas.

5. Keep It Simple

The best sales strategies aren’t complex, and the most fantastic reward systems aren’t hard to understand. Instead, always strive to keep it simple. A simple plan is more accessible for communicating with staff. Rewards systems should be motivating, not confusing. You should be able to explain your plan, the rewards, and the outcomes easily so the entire staff can quickly understand them.

At Double Loop Performance, we understand the importance of meeting your goals. Our company specializes in helping with sales strategies, meetings, revenue growth, and more. Contact us today for more information.